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Thus we wish you a lot of fun reading.

The new book by Helmar Neubacher with the title:
Titel: »Idealer Führer« oder ZWEISTROM-SOZIALISMUS — Rettungsanker für die Menschheit? …die »Friedliche Revolution« des kleinen DDR - Volkes von 1989 lebt weiter Eine fiktive Streitschrift

You can purchase the book in your book shop or online:

Publishers: Books on Demand, Norderstedt

Release: Dec. 2019

Book: Paperback, 140 pages

ISBN-13: 9783750411838

Language: German

You can purchase the eBook online:

ISBN-13: 9783750465886

Language: German

The famous physicist Stephen Hawkins, before he died in 2018, warned of the apocalypse of the nemesis of humankind which it apparently accepts knowingly. Neubacher names the scourge of humankind, namely the exploitation of many by the power of market by few. The author analyses the mistakes of the reunion and describes the historic chance passed up, in which the people of the unloved GDR gives itself a new constitution for the successor state, called DDSR (German Democratic Socialist Republic). Here "Genuine Democracy" becomes the guideline for political action.

"Genuine Democracy" means, that in the valid constitution the three powers, the legislative, the executive and the judiciary are completely separated from one another. Thus, it is ensured that by separation of power there is the possibility of unrestricted control — within or outside of parliament – with the premises that only such a system of government may be called democratic. Included is a twofold government consisting of PRIVY COUNCIL and COUNCIL OF MINISTERS with a total of 90 government members — the only two elements taken from the constitution of the former GDR.

For the first time, even the opposition is represented in the government: Each and everyone of the people eligible to vote and with a valid vote are represented by their percent of the total of 90 government members in both of the parts of government mentioned, after the election – even the members of parties who, because of a percent hurdle, didn’t make it into the parliament.

Created has been a modified "Democratic Socialism" with the aim to change the unjust distribution of capital, property as well as real estate for all of humankind.

Not only does Neubacher sent the political system of the old GDR into the Orcus of History, but also pleads for a new economic system, namely a so called "Two-Stream-Socialism", in which the antipodes capital and labour converge on one another with equal rights. “Genuine Democracy” can only be achieved by equality under public law of capital and labour.

By eliminating the gap between rich and poor — the biggest enemy of humankind — the financiers with their money and the working people, who until now have sold their power of work and health to the employers, can come together to work for peace, nature and environment, with the result that the destructive egoism of individuals as well as whole peoples — the second biggest enemy of humankind — has lost its sting.

Neubacher also discusses, in large parts of his book, the alternatives of "Ideal Leader" and political leader which is brought forth by a genuine democracy. Individuals in governments who come close to being "ideal rulers" make it possible to lead a people through the trials and tribulations of life. Basis of their actions is the newly created system of government of GDSR — with "Genuine Democracy" and Two-Stream-Socialism.

Only under this premise is it possible to conquer the killer of humankind — the rampant capitalism.

In the discussion of his epoch-making approach Neubacher lets a fictitious person by the mane of "Immo" have his say in first person singular. With this construction, which one may well call ambiguous, the author manages to convincingly make clear, that the small people of the GDSR 1990/1991 has found with

"Genuine Democracy"
Two Stream Socialism
the last resort anchor of humankind with the premise that the people are ruled by
Privy Council
Council of Ministers,
according to their constitution, in the form of nearly
"Ideal Rulers".

The by Professor Steven Hawkins demanded inevitable emigration of humankind within the next 100 years to a different planet would thus, under the elaborated premise, furthermore and fortunately remain an obsolete fiction

Author: Helmar Neubacher
Title: Bruch der Schere zwischen Arm und Reich — EINE STREITSCHRIFT

You can purchase the book in your book shop or online:

Publishers: Books on Demand, Norderstedt

Release: Dec. 2017

Book: Paperback, 176 pages

ISBN: 978-3-7448-5563-1

Language: German

You can purchase the eBook online:


Language: German


In diesem Buch geht es um die Beschreibung eines Regierungssystems, das es ermöglicht, für alle Menschen die ungerechte Verteilung von Kapital, Sachbesitz sowie Grund und Boden zu verändern. Als einziges Regierungssystem, das Abhilfe schaffen könnte, ist ein neu definierter »Sozialismus« zu nennen. Leider ist es aber so, dass etwa 100 Länder, die sich sozialistisch nennen oder sozialistisch genannt hatten, immer wieder Ungerechtigkeit und Armut produzierten. Besonders erschreckendes Beispiel war die sozialistisch-kommunistisch orientierte DDR. Das Wort »Sozialismus« hat daher heute einen so abschreckenden Ruf, dass es wohl zur Zeit kein Land gibt, das sein Regierungssystem durch ein sozialistisches ersetzen möchte, es sei denn, man denke an Länder wie z.B. Nordkorea.


Und hier setzt das Buch an:
Das kleine Volk der DDR läßt sich nach dem Fall der „Berliner Mauer” im November 1989 von Bundeskanzler Dr. Helmut Kohl und den Mächtigen der BRD nicht das Grundgesetz überstülpen. Die 17 Millionen Bürger der DDR gehen einen anderen Weg: Das Volk verwirklicht unter der Garantie von Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit eine eigene wegweisende, neue Regierungsform, den „Demokratischen Sozialismus”.

Die neue Staatsbezeichnung lautet:
„Deutsche Demokratisch-Sozialistische Republik” (DDSR). Damit wird erstmals für die 17 Millionen Bürger die Forderung des Amerikaners Thomas Jefferson (Amerikanische Unabhängigkeitserklärung) von 1776 erfüllt. Neben den Grundrechten auf Leben, Freiheit und Gleichheit ist in der „Neuen Verfassung” der DDSR auch das vergessene Grundrecht auf Glück festgeschrieben. Demokratie mit „Echter Gewaltenteilung” garantiert einen Sozialismus mit neuem revolutionierendem Wirtschaftssystem ohne Revolution:


Das bedeutet, dass in allen Betrieben der „Neuen DDSR” ab 1991 der Unternehmer (Kapitalgeber) und die Arbeiterschaft gleichberechtigt und partnerschaftlich den Betrieb leiten und am Jahresende den Gewinn 50% zu 50% gerecht teilen.

Die Schaffung einer neuen gerechten Verfassung durch das kleine Volk der DDR wird beobachtet von jemandem, von dem man es auf keinen Fall erwartet: Es ist „Immo”, der Geschichte studierende Student vom hochentwickelten Volk der „Toraner” in der „Andromedagalaxie”, 2,5 Millionen Lichtjahre entfernt vom spannenden Geschehen in der DDR.
„Immo” beobachtet und analysiert alle Aktivitäten der DDR-Bürger, ohne aber in das Geschehen einzugreifen. Er beurteilt den Wert der erarbeiteten „Neuen Verfassung” des 1991 aus der DDR hervorgegangenen Staates „DDSR” aus der Sicht und den Erfahrungen seines eigenen viele Millionen Jahre alten Volkes und kommt zu einem ganz unerwarteten Ergebnis:

Echte Demokratie” verbunden mit „Gerechtem Sozialismus” sind nicht nur Chancen für die 17 Millionen der DDSR, sondern durchaus auch eine Option für die übrigen 200 Länder mit der Möglichkeit, allen 7 Milliarden Erdmenschen den Weg in eine glückliche Zukunft zu ebnen!

Author: Helmar Neubacher
Title: ICH HABE VIEL ZU LANGE GESCHWIEGEN — Sozialdemokratie am Abgrund! Deutschland am Abgrund? (I have been silent far too long - Social democracy on a precipice!Germany on a precipice!)

You can purchase the book in your book shop or online:

Publishers: Books on Demand, Norderstedt

Release: Nov. 2013

Book: Paperback, 100 pages

ISBN: 978-3-7322-1418-1

Language: German

The book "Ich habe viel zu lange geschwiegen" mirrors the frustration of a former technical instructor about the German federal political landscape, four months prior to the election of the 18th German Bundestag on September the 22nd of 2013. Abysmal helplessness considering the decline of a great party, the SPD, and the loss of direction of sense of all political actors are described outlining several examples.

The author asks the following questions, at the same time giving the answers:

There remains the hope for commitment and a new honesty of up and coming generations in the political business of Berlin. Meaningful for the future would then be the recourse to "Democratic Socialism" of the Godesberg Programme of the SPD of 1959, valid also for the Bundestag elections of 2013 and beyond.

Neubacher presents a book with many interesting and direction giving ideas for coming to terms with present and past on the rocky path to a better future - a book, despite all sad realities, also spiced with biting political satire.

Author: Wolfgang Szepansky
Title: Dennoch ging ich diesen Weg — AUTOBIOGRAPHIE
(And yet I took this Path)

Publishers: trafo verlag — dr. wolfgang weist, Berlin

Release: 2nd Edition, 2001

Book: Paperback, 278 pages with numerous black-and-white drawings

ISBN: 3-89626-035-9

Language: German

Price: 17 EUR + 1 EUR postage (Germany only)

The book can be purchased at you book shop or via:

Ralf Szepansky
Hirzerweg 145 a
12107 Berlin, Germany

Language: German

Text on the back cover of the book:

Wolfgang Szepansky, born 1910 in Berlin, learnt the trade of a painter. Active in the Worker's Theatre Movement from 1927 to 1931.

After the taking of power of the Nazis he joined the anti-fascist resistance and was arrested in August 1933 after a painting action - he had written "Down with Hitler" on a wall.

Interrogations by the Gestapo in their headquarters in Prinz-Albert-Strasse followed, and then detention in the first concentration camp of Berlin, the Columbiahaus, for the duration of six weeks.

From 1934 he lives as an emigrant in Amsterdam. As the German Wehrmacht invaded the Netherlands in May 1940, he again came into the fangs of the Gestapo and was, via several different prisons like e.g. Steinwache Dortmund, transported to the concentration camp of Sachsenhausen near Oranienburg in October 1940, there given the prisoner's number 33527.

For living together with a Dutch Jewish lady in Amsterdam, he was sentenced to two years in prison in the Tegel Penitentiary Unit because of "racial disrepute".

Following that, he was taken back to concentration camp Sachsenhausen, keeping his there given prisoner's number.

After the Deathmarch from the concentration cam (21st of April to 2nd of May 1945) there followed his liberation by British troops near Schwerin.

From 1945 working as arts teacher, head of a clubhouse, artist (self taught). Own art exhibitions.

Head of the Sachsenhausen Committee of West Berlin. Compilation of a documentary exhibition on Sachsenhausen with the title "What are you, speak?" – "I am a human being!"

Presently travelling as contemporary witness to schools, in the memorial of Sachsenhausen and at anti-fascist city tours.

1996 awarded the Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Author: Helmar Neubacher
Title: Cheops-Pyramide — gebaut mit den eigenen BARKEN — Lösung des Jahrtausendrätsels: Maschinen des Herodot + Kraft des Wassers
(The Pyramid of Cheops - built with own barges. Solution of the Millennium Mystery. Machines of Herodotus + Power of Water)

The book can be purchased in your book shop or online:

Publishers: Books on Demand, Norderstedt

Release: Sept. 2008

Book: Paperback, 160 pages with 115 illustrations, 82 of which in colour

ISBN: 978-3-8370-6236-6

Language: German

Millennium Mystery solved? - New Theory on the Construction of the Pyramid of Cheops

How did the ancient Egyptians pile up 2,000,000 blocks of stone to the Pyramid of Cheops? The German technical instructor H.Neubacher believes that the stones were lifted by ships. As spectacular as this statement may sound at first, so easy is it in its realization. The ancient master builders actually supply the confirmation themselves:

They used five ships' pits which they had hewn into the rocky surface of the plateau on which the Pyramid of Cheops rests.

Proof of this is the Barge of Cheops found in 1954. It has a proven age of 4,600 years, has a length of 43.5 metres and is the oldest intact ship in the history of mankind. H.Neubacher assumes that this barge had floated in one of the five pits discovered and there, via lifting beams and with the help of the power of water, could have been able to lift blocks of stone up to a weight of 60 tons. By emptying and filling of the pits lifting equipment was created. In the other four pits there floated ships as well. "For smaller blocks of stone there were mobile machines", as Heubacher states, "that worked after the same method. They were:

Already 2,500 years ago the Greek historian Herodotus described machines with the same words and which, in his opinion, were employed to construct pyramids. In his new book, H.Neubacher describes how the ancient master builder could have proceeded. The lifting techniques described by him impresses on the one hand by its simplicity and on the other hand by its efficiency. The author substantiates his statements by own research carried out in Egypt, taking into account extensive specialist literature. To support his theoretical statements he carried out numerous practical trials with models - taking into account the means of those days. The author introduces with his book an entirely new technology to the construction of the Egyptian pyramids: The "Barge Theory"!

Click on the link for further and additional information on the book.

Author: Helmar Neubacher
Title: Das Rad des Pharao — 7 Vorbedingungen für den Bau der Cheops-Pyramide: Der Bau beginnt (Pharaos wheel - 7 prerequisites for the construction of the Pyramid of Cheops: The construction commences.)

You can purchase the book in your book shop or online:

Publishers: Books on Demand, Norderstedt

Release: April 2009

Book: Paperback, 140 pages with 129 illustrations, 33 of which in colour.

ISBN: 978-3-8370-2310-7

Language: German

You can purchase the eBook online:

ISBN: 978-3732206421

Language: German

Construction of Pyramids with the Power of Water

Contradicting present doctrine as to the construction of the Pyramid of Cheops, "pulling the stones with sledges over ramps", H.Neubacher employs water power for TRANSPORT, LIFTING and PUTTING INTO PLACE of the blocks of stone. Why waste power of human resources in a country where you have the water of the Nile in abundance all year round? Relating to the writings of Herodotus, the author presents a sophisticated construction technique - simple and efficient.

About 2,300,000 blocks came from the immediate vicinity of the pyramid. The transport of the remaining 200,000 blocks presented itself more difficult, because they had to be risen from the level of the Nile to the Plateau of Giza. H.Neubacher assumes that the blocks - including about 100 monoliths - were transported to the top via locks.

On the plateau there was a system of small channels made, in which the local and blocks from outside proceeded to the top.

Via integrated dams and lifting machines they reached the inside of the pyramid where they were piled up by lay machines. The ENERGY for LOCKS, SMALL CHANNEL SYSTEM; LIFTING- and LAY MACHINES was supplied by the about 70,000 water bearers of Cheops.

Were there stone lifting ships long before Cheops? The author affirms this question! As examples he takes pictures of ships that the ancient Egyptians themselves have left. A fictitious disputation with the regrettably late expert author for ancient Egyptian vessels, Björn Landström, leads to new findings. Experience a fascinating journey through the technical world of an ancient high culture.

Click on the link for further and additional interesting information on this book.

Author: Helmar Neubacher
Title: Vermächtnis des Herodot zum Bau der Cheops-Pyramide — Jahrtausende altes Mysterium gelüftet: 100.000 Mann - Hydrostatik - 230 Steinhebemaschinen (Legacy of Herodotus tot he construction oft he Pyramid of Cheops - Thousands of years old mystery solved: 100,000 Men - hydrostatics - 230 stone lifting machines)

You can purchase the book in your book shop or online:

Publishers: Books on Demand, Norderstedt

Release: Dec. 2010

Book: Paperback, 228 pages with 243 illustrations, 63 of which in colour and 10 charts

ISBN: 978-3-8391-1486-5

Language: German

You can purchase the eBook online:

ISBN: 978-3844876703

Language: German

New release 2010; 2nd edition April 2012

New findings to the construction of the Pyramid of Cheops

…the Technical Instructor (engineering degree) for Marine Technical Administration Helmar Neubacher expresses this as a hypothesis in his new book.

"And Herodotus was right!" the author is now firmly convinced - because in the core of essential points, the Greek historian can be confirmed.

The author thus checks the above stated hypotheses and in the course of his explanations comes to very astounding and partly unexpected results.

In advance, three following crucial questions had to be answered:

The answer is given by the author in his third book with the presentation of an actually simple but still sophisticated and in itself coherent construction technology – with the result:

A thousands of years old mystery loses its mysticism!

Click on the link and you will be given a lot of additional and interesting information on the book.